"My two daughters and I signed up for the HBF Run For A Reason in honour of my wife, and Roslyn and Meredith’s mother who died of bowel cancer on 31 March 2017." ~ Vince.

If you were inspired by Vince, Roslyn and Meredith's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.


"My reason is my sister Mel. My inspiration. Who was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic bowel cancer at age 35. Mel was given 18 months, for which she battled with all she had, but lost her battle after 17months on the 18th of March 2024. She was strong. Throughout her journey she had so much passion for raising awareness for bowel cancer and #Never2Young to try make sure no one else would have to go through this. Listen to your body and fight for your health! You're never to young. We raised over $3000 for Bowel Cancer Australia through the HBF Run For A Reason, top of the ladder, in honour of my beautiful sister Melissa who is now flying high like a butterfly." ~ Emma.
Team Mel

If you were inspired by Emma's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.


“I did Dry July last year because bowel cancer has affected my family, as well as my friends, and to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia. And I will be doing it again this year!

I personally know about five people who have lost their lives to bowel cancer, and one of them was the same age as me and left behind two young children. This should never happen, and if my little contribution helps, I will be happy.” ~ Stacie.

If you were inspired by Stacie's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.


"I Dry July in memory of my son Andrew who died aged 30 after a 9 nine-month battle with Stage 4 bowel cancer. Also to raise funds to fight cancer, so that we can get closer to a cure so that my grandson’s won’t have to go through pain suffering Andrew went through." ~ Anthony.

If you were inspired by Anthony's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.


“This year I'll be 27, and I thought, what could I do to celebrate my 27th year on earth? Why not shave my head? I've always wanted to do it.
So, this year I will be shaving my head for Bowel Cancer Australia to honour my amazing uncle Robert, who won his battle with bowel cancer and is helping other people fight their battles.
I also wanted to show my appreciation and raise money for and to help Bowel Cancer Australia.
I shaved my head on the 27th of April 2024. It all went great, and I had so much support from everyone around me to make sure the day went as planned.” ~ Gemma.

If you were inspired by Gemma's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


"My sister Naomi and I walked 4 km and my son Joseph ran 12 km. Our reason, in memory of my husband Greg who was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August 2018 and passed away in October 2020." ~ Michelle (& Gibbo’s Gang).

If you were inspired by the fundraising activities of Gibbo’s Gang and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.


“On April 5th, we gathered at Peninsula Kingswood Country Golf Club for the 3rd annual Never2Young Charity Golf Day in memory of Glyn Trueman.

Glyn Trueman was a much-loved husband, dad, son, brother, friend, and member of Peninsula Kingswood. Glyn was diagnosed with bowel cancer at age twenty-seven and had an incredibly brave and courageous three-and-a-half-year journey through illness. Our collective effort honours Glyn's legacy and the importance of this cause.

Thanks to our incredible supporters, sponsors and prized donors we raised an outstanding $32,600 for Bowel Cancer Australia’s Never2Young program! Combined with 2022 and 2023, we have now raised over $90,000!” ~ The Trueman Family.
2024 Supporters In Action Never2Young Golf Day

If you were inspired by the Trueman Family's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


Linda and Merv chose to support Bowel Cancer Australia in celebration of not only their 25th wedding anniversary, but Linda’s 55th birthday and Merv’s 70th. Instead of gifts, they asked everyone attending to donate $10 to Bowel Cancer Australia.
“Thank you for your information so we could raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia.

I thought you might like to see some of the photos from the party, including Merv (the success story for Bowel Cancer Australia) and I. The biscuits were made by my sister-in-law, and they have our passions of fish and dogs and us at our wedding 25 years ago. Hope you are happy and proud for all the help you give Australians, when they need a bit of help.” ~ Linda.
2024 Supporters In Action Never2Young Golf Day

If you were inspired by Linda and Merv's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


"Time is Precious hosted an incredible luncheon in Sydney on 16 March 2024. The luncheon highlighted the impacts bowel cancer can have on our young community, especially those aged 25-44.
With a performance by Brent Street student Faith Hedly, a live auction, and an inspiring panel of bowel cancer warriors, the not-for-profit raised $19,000 for Bowel Cancer Australia.
Co-founders Sara and Amy used their organisation to promote awareness to both the younger generation and the older generation alike that bowel cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent in people under 50. It has been 5 years since the devastating passing of Sara’s stepdad, after he was diagnosed at age 45.
To date, the girls cumulative fundraising total from their events sits at $124,176.51. They are really excited for their gala ball in April 2025!” ~ Amy and Sara.
Time Is Precious Ladies Luncheon

If you were inspired by Amy's and Sarah's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


“I'm a survivor of bowel cancer, after being diagnosed having cancer during my five yearly routine colonoscopy in June 2022. I had bowel surgery in the following month followed by 12 sessions of chemotherapy over six months, finishing in February 2023. I was then given the all clear. Six months later in July 2023, it was found that I had a secondary cancer in my left lung. Surgery followed to remove a 15% segment of my lung and then to follow up with additional surgery four days later, by a procedure called Talc Pleurodesis, to seal an air leak which was caused when the segment was removed.
To keep cancer at bay, I'm now having PET Scans and bloods taken every three months for the foreseeable future.
It's amazing that I rode my bike in the Brissie to the Bay ride in June 2022 and had no inkling or tell-tail signs that I had bowel cancer inside me. By the way, it was a great ride.
I wish to support Bowel Cancer Australia by riding over 5000km this year, firstly because I am a survivor and secondly because I have been inspired by Rachel, a friend who recently passed away from cancer. From her journey she was willing to share with me sound practical advice to help me navigate through cancer and chemotherapy. I wish to share the same advice to those who are going through the same journey I did. At the end of the day, Rachel is my ‘Star’.” ~ Grant.

If you were inspired by Grant's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


"After my experience with bowel cancer at 23 I couldn't just sit back and do nothing about it. I'm happy to say I helped raise $16,000 plus for Bowel Cancer Australia. I just hope that I've raised even more awareness.

Thank you to the Darwin Dragons Rugby Union Club, the sponsors, the community, and everyone close to me! I was amazed to see everyone get behind this day.
Thanks also to the University Pirates Rugby Union Football Club Inc, South Darwin Rugby Union Club and NT Rugby Union for getting involved and spreading the word a little bit further.

Planning this round helped keep me busy towards the end of my treatment, hopefully this money can help someone else that is TOO YOUNG through their treatment or prevent it from even happening.” ~ Todd.

Todd M

If you were inspired by Todd's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


“I decided to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia as a tribute to my late father, Dr. John Mackenzie-Smith. It is a predominantly positive story.
I pledged to ride 1000km on my old mountain bike over a two-month period and give up alcohol for two months (alcohol being a risk factor in developing bowel cancer). I raised over $1000 from the contributions of family and friends.
Dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer at age 38. He was operated on (back in the 70s) and made a good recovery. Throughout his life, he had regular screening but still had bowel cancer two or three more times, bladder cancer, and many, many skin cancers: basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. (It does get positive, I promise!).
Previously, we lost our paternal grandmother (aged 46) to bowel cancer, as well as a great aunt. We discovered that our family has Lynch syndrome. My father had an even more rare variant called Muir-Torre syndrome.
My three older sisters have been tested, and unfortunately one has Muir-Torre syndrome and has also had bowel cancer and skin cancer. This sister of mine is quite courageous and strong.
The positive news is that because of the wonderful medical fraternity in Australia and my father’s determination, we were able to have Dad around until the ripe old age of 86. In that time, he became a lecturer in education, a reputable historian, a doctor (PhD), a father of four, a grandfather to many, and a great grandfather to many, many more.
We were able to share valuable times and memories with Dad that could have very easily been erased (had the doctors not detected his various cancers and eradicated them). We are grateful for the time we had with our father and never, ever took it for granted. He realised that he had lost his mother so early in life and was determined to do everything he could to live a vital, loving life. Many others, unfortunately, haven’t had the chance. We lost Dad to complications after a major stroke in 2022. We are eternally grateful for the life Dad had.
Thank you also to wonderful organisations like Bowel Cancer Australia.” ~ Charles.

If you were inspired by Charles' amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


"My journey with bowel cancer has not given me the required outcome I would have liked. It’s a battle every day to manage two stomas and since disengagement with chemo I am more focused on quality of life. At the age of 60 and after nearly two years of chemo and 15 hour operations it has beaten me.
But…. the message is don’t go unchecked. See your GP as often is required. Ask the hard questions and get the sample that the Govt sends you when your 50 done. Don’t put it in a draw as I did and forget it.
I am not a quitter, whatever time is left I will enjoy." ~ Kathy.

If you were inspired by Kathy's fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


"Almost four years ago, in April 2020, my wife Nina at age 42 was diagnosed with bowel cancer. This diagnosis was a total surprise to us - definitely not on our radar. Up until this time we were living a ‘normal’ life, both working and raising our three children, enjoying trips away and spending time with family and friends. Nina was a nurse in the Emergency department of The Women’s and Children’s Hospital here in Adelaide.

Since the diagnosis, Nina has had multiple surgeries and procedures, and has just completed her 30th round of chemo. She has found Bowel Cancer Australia to be a lifeline for our family as she has navigated through the last 4 years.

So, deciding to participate in World Cancer Day 2024 and raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia and awareness for World Cancer Day was a no-brainer for me.

At 9 a.m. on Sunday 4th February we kicked off World Cancer Day with a 5km beach walk from Henley to Grange. I called this fundraising event “Walk with Nina”. When I signed up to walk for Bowel Cancer Australia I never expected to have such a big support crew. It was beautiful to have so many people come with us.

After the walk, we returned to assist in raising awareness and funds for Bowel Cancer Australia.  As a massive bonus, we were able to raise over $2,500.

The support, care and reassurance Nina has received from Bowel Cancer Australia, a 100% community-funded organisation, has really been instrumental in assisting her to navigate through the challenges she has faced. We have been so fortunate to have the ongoing support from the telehealth Nurses and Nutritionists, The Movement online community, and Peer to Peer Support groups.

The beach walk is one Nina and I often do during chemo week; it helps to clear the mind, and there is something special about the sand and water, it is good for the soul….plus the dog Archie loves it too.

This is my small way of giving back to Bowel Cancer Australia." ~ Aaron.

0416 BCA Feb 2024 Supporters in Action Aaron DiSanto 1520x320

If you were inspired by Aaron's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.


“Most of you will know, I’ve done the shave for the cure a few times now - but this time … it’s personal!

Bowel cancer doesn’t discriminate.  I’m only 43 and my diagnosis has rocked me and my family to my very core.

My symptoms were typical of diverticulitis and severe constipation, and I was treated accordingly.  It wasn’t until I ended up in hospital and had my first ever colonoscopy (aren’t they a true delight!?) that we got the devastating news it was cancer.  Nothing can ever prepare you to hear it.

I was sent immediately to have a port fitted and started chemo within a couple of weeks!  I seriously whirl wind ride!  It all happened so fast my head spun.

I’m incredibly blessed with such a wonderful support network and people cheering me on x it makes all the difference when you’re riding such huge waves of emotions that come with the diagnosis.  My husband Shaun is my rock and safe place - I know I’m going to be ok with him in my corner. 

My family give me hope and everything to fight for ❤️

So …. With that in mind, I want to help others (yes I’m still looking after myself first - I can do both!!).

This year I’m shaving my head to raise much needed funds and awareness for bowel cancer.  There are so many people affected by this horrid disease and they are getting younger 😭” ~ Rebecca.

If you were inspired by Rebecca's fundraising activities and would like to boldly raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a hairy transformation, get in touch with us through our webform.


"Rach 💜

If you know her, then you’re one seriously lucky person. She is truly one of the most beautiful people on this planet, and I feel as though I’ve hit the jackpot to call her a friend and family.

She fills your cup right to the brim and leaves you feeling loved and full of laughs. Rach is such an idol to me, I look upto her as a mum, a nurse, a midwife, home-birth legend, and just an all round phenomenal human who has the most amazing view on life.

She has inspired me in so many ways, and continues to. I can confidently say if we all had just the tiniest slice of her dry humor, compassion, and love for life the world would be nothing but perfect!

Soooo, I went bald for bowel cancer! And trav dyed his hair or beard blue!" ~ Molly.

Rach’s words 💜

“A few weeks ago our world was rocked to the core. After experiencing some mild yet ongoing symptoms of an “upset tummy” I went for a colonoscopy on the 15th of September.

After a CT, MRI and PET scan we were devastated to hear the news that I have stage 4 bowel cancer and the BRAF mutation. In just over a week I had a portacath inserted and started chemotherapy.

It has been the most harrowing few weeks and nothing hurts more than when I think of our beautiful, happy and innocent children.

But although this is by far the worst time in my life, I have been so incredibly humbled by the ferocity of love that has risen up around us. Love has poured in from every angle as family, friends and strangers have spun a web of support around us.

We have cried, sobbed, and howled. Grief, fear and sorrow have ripped through my soul and wracked my body with an anguish so raw I have no words to describe it. But I’ve never been alone. Every day I have been surrounded by love and every night Andy cocoons me in his love and strength. And I take all of your messages, cards, gifts, food, thoughts, gestures and energy and I know I have an army behind me. I might not always reply (life gets really busy when you get cancer!) but I love all your messages of support.

So if anyone is looking for a charity to donate to, donate to bowel cancer Australia this year and help them find me a cure so that my kids can grow up with their mum.” ~ Rach.

Molly shares Rach's story and her reasons for getting hairy to help raise hair-wareness this Decembhair.⁠

0416 BCA Feb 2024 Supporters in Action Molly Driscoll

If you were inspired by Molly & Trav's fundraising activities and would like to boldly raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a hairy transformation, get in touch with us through our webform.


“It was such a successful day; we are all very proud!” ~  Rhonda

“I am just so happy that our event was able to raise that amount this year for BCA!” ~ Rob

Rhonda and Rob have been holding the darts day fundraising event for 10 years in memory of their brother Brian ‘Don't Shit The Dip – Memorial Darts Day’. The event is always held in November around Brian’s birthday. Attendees pay to enter the event and are given a Bowel Cancer Australia ribbon as part of the entry.

This year was the 10-year anniversary of Brian’s passing. Approximately 80 people attended, including family who flew from interstate for the event. One of Brian’s best mates (also named Brian) won the competition this year and took home the Championship Shield for a second time.

The 2023 fundraiser raised a total of $5852 and to date the annual event has raised an incredible $45,266. 

Huge thanks to Rhonda, Rob and the Nelis family for their continued support and amazing fundraising efforts, whilst spreading much needed awareness.

If you were inspired by Rhonda & Rob's fundraising activities and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.



“On 24th December 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage II bowel cancer. For the six months leading up to that point I knew I was unwell, but I was repeatedly told I was ‘too young' for something like bowel cancer.

On 9th January 2023, I had a right hemicolectomy to have the tumour removed and since that moment, I have felt compelled to help others.

I ran the Melbourne Half Marathon in July and my first ever full Marathon in October, and the experience has been nothing short of transformative. With my friend @fitforlong, we raised awareness and a whopping $21,870 for Bowel Cancer Australia in 2023.

The strength and resilience of those affected by bowel cancer is what inspires me. Each one of you fighting this battle is a hero, and your stories motivate me every day. You carried me every step of the 42km.

There's still much work to be done, but with your continued support, we can make an even bigger impact in the fight against bowel cancer.” ~ Brendan

0416 BCA Feb 2024 Supporters in Action Brendan Moynihan 1520x320

If you were inspired by Brendan's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.


"Our Decembhair fundraising was well received, raising just under $2000 for our efforts on our 'Crazy Horse Chics' fundraising page.

I am A cancer survivor myself and joined the fundraiser with my friend Karen, to support her husband who is currently going through bowel cancer.

Karen coloured her hair dramatically and I shaved my very long hair off." ~ Nikki

If you were inspired by Nikki & Karen's fundraising activities and would like to boldly raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a hairy transformation, get in touch with us through our webform.


"It has been almost 10 years since my husband Steve was diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer (at age 37), and we thought what better way to celebrate than to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia by shaving our heads!

Since diagnosis, he has had two stints of chemo, one of radiation, 3 hospital stays and 2 major surgeries, removing over 30cm of bowel.

We hope the money we raised will help with treatment options for others, and earlier detection/testing!" ~ Katie.

Katie shares her personal story and her reasons for getting hairy to help raise hair-wareness that you’re never too young to have bowel cancer.⁠

If you were inspired by Katie's fundraising activities and would like to boldly raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a hairy transformation, get in touch with us through our webform.


“Cancer has not personally touched me, but the ripple effect definitely has. The roller coaster of emotions that plays out with a cancer diagnosis is overwhelming.

I decided to shave my hair to raise awareness and funds for bowel cancer; I have had family, friends and clients affected by this and so many other types of cancers.

Every donation is a dollar closer to a cancer free world.

I’m feeling very proud to have smashed my target of 2k, reaching just shy of 3k. Thank you for the opportunity to raise awareness and funds for bowel cancer I hope this encourages others to do the same.” ~ Jessica.

If you were inspired by Jessica's fundraising activities and would like to boldly raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a hairy transformation, get in touch with us through our webform.


Casey hosted a ‘Dream of Sunshine' Gala Ball to help raise awareness and funds for Bowel Cancer Australia in memory of her mum. ⁠

The night included entertainment, a 3-course meal, incredible prize draws and so much more!!⁠

“I raised the total amount of $42,600 for Bowel Cancer Australia through my “Dream of Sunshine” Gala Ball held on the 4th of November at Hyatt Regency Perth with 176 guests in attendance on the night. ⁠

I chose to host the ball to raise awareness and funds because my mum passed away of bowel cancer in 2018 a month before her first grandchild (my first child) was born. ⁠

She fought hard but it took the life out of this strong amazing women.” ~ Casey.⁠

If you were inspired by Casey's fundraising activities and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.


Olivia was part of a Year 8 school project where you had to a start a business and donate from each purchase to a charity of your choice. Her business idea was called ‘Cherished Charms’ and she donated $1 from every purchase to Bowel Cancer Australia.

‘I chose to donate from the earnings of my school project to Bowel Cancer Australia because my Mum aged 37 was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer in 2022.’ ~ Olivia.

If you were inspired by Olivia's fundraising activities and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.


“Having worked in the bowel cancer screening space for 13 years I have always been passionate about promoting bowel cancer awareness; however sadly this year the disease struck a little closer to home. In June this year our family lost my dear cousin to bowel cancer.

October would have been her 43rd birthday; so, I wanted to host this charity yoga class with support from Tawa Yoga in her honour and raise much needed funds for other families going through similar journeys.” ~ Kerrie.

If you were inspired by Kerrie's fundraiser and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraising event, get in touch with us through our webform.



“I’ll start by saying that I’m one of the very lucky ones! 

I was referred for a colonoscopy at the age of 35, following years of relentless IBS symptoms. My gastroenterologist assured me that it was precautionary and that he wasn’t expecting to find anything unusual. 

I remember waking up in excruciating pain and thinking ‘this can’t be normal’. Instead of being moved straight to a recliner like everyone else, I was kept in a hospital bed for a couple of hours until my doctor had finished his procedures. I knew something was wrong immediately. He was very compassionate when he told me that my ascending and transverse colon were ‘riddled with giant polyps’, including one growing in my appendix. He’d removed half a dozen polyps that were each 5cm in diameter, but I was facing a very high likelihood of requiring a hemi-colectomy. I was diagnosed with serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS).

Over the next 9 months, I had an additional 4 colonoscopies to remove countless large polyps. I also had an appendicectomy, with a small amount of my caecum removed. Thankfully, my dozens of polyps have all been pre-cancerous. 

That year was an incredibly scary time in my life and the frequent procedures were tough on my body. I constantly asked, ‘why me?’, as I have no family history of cancer, including bowel cancer. 

Since then, I’ve come to see my diagnosis as a huge blessing. Very few people with SPS are diagnosed when it’s too late and polyps have turned cancerous. While the colonoscopies were unpleasant, there was no need for chemo or radiation. I will have annual colonoscopies for the rest of my life, but this should effectively manage my risk of developing cancer. 

Bowel cancer awareness and research are very important to me. When I was first diagnosed with SPS, I looked at ways that I could be involved in researching the condition and better understanding causal factors. With a PhD in chemistry, I’m always seeking to understand ‘why’ and what can I do to help. As such, I joined a Colorectal Oncogenomics research group as a consumer advocate.

My role is to represent the needs and interests of patients in research programs. It’s fascinating research and it helps me feel that I’m making a difference to the lives of future generations. I’m optimistic that research outcomes will aid in easier detection and treatment options for bowel cancer. 

For my birthday this year, I asked my family and friends to donate to Bowel Cancer Australia to help raise money and awareness for the great work they do. Thank you so much to those of you who donated. ❤️” ~ Amanda.

0396 BCA Nov 2023 Supporters in Action Amanda Whelan 1520x320

If you were inspired by Amanda's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through an In Celebration Facebook Fundraiser, details are available here.

“Late last year I experienced stomach problems that eventuated into a diagnosis of Stage 3 bowel cancer. Being a healthy, fit person who just turned 39. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

Right away I had surgery to remove a 7cm tumour from my colon and I recently completed 6 months of chemotherapy. At this stage of the journey there is still a lot of uncertainty but I’m confident about my chances for survival. I’m not yet a cancer survivor, I’m a cancer fighter.

From the moment I recovered from surgery I started doing laps at our local pool. 30 minutes a day every day has now become an important ritual for my treatment and recovery, and I attribute my ongoing positivity to the meditative effects of cruising through the water.

I had some very dark moments since my diagnosis, and I attribute meeting the kind folks at Bowel Cancer Australia to helping me cope with my situation. I've never had a serious medical issue before and have been overwhelmed by the amount of love, compassion and dedication that these wonderful humans put into their work.

As a personal challenge, and to raise funds and awareness, I took on the 2.5km South Maroubra Ocean Swim in support of Bowel Cancer Australia. I had originally planned to complete the 2.4km Coogee Island Swim but the event was cancelled due to bad weather.

I am thankful to everyone who donated and supported me, for their contribution to this cause, which means so much to me. Together we raised over $14,000 towards fighting bowel cancer!

⁠Bowel cancer is the second deadliest cancer in Australia and is on the rise for young people. Bowel cancer in young people is often found at later stages because it is a common misconception that it is 'an old person's disease' and these symptoms get ignored or put down to a persistent bad stomach.

⁠If something isn't right, speak to your doctor. If caught in time, almost 99 per cent of bowel cancer cases can be successfully treated.” ~ Braian.

0396 BCA Nov 2023 Supporters in Action Braian Szwarcberg Poch 1520x320

In June 2024, we’re embarking on an epic trekking adventure in the heart of the Australian outback, and we want you to join us! Find out how you can participate in the Hike For Health and trek the Larapinta Trail with Bowel Cancer Australia here.

"In March 2023, after countless arguments with my wife and adult children, I presented to our local ED with lower abdominal pain. After further investigation this abdominal pain turned into something much worse, Stage 4 bowel cancer with metastasis to my liver and spine.
I'm Richard, 53 and as a stereotypical Aussie bloke I felt that by having to relent to medical intervention that this was a sign of weakness. I mean, I hadn't seen my GP for over a decade, played and coached sport my whole life, ate well and hadn't drunk any alcohol for 6 years. Healthy right? No, couldn't be further from the truth.
Facts, other than the abdominal pain I showed little signs of any disease. I did have some weight loss and fatigue, but I put this down to age and lifestyle. Bowel movements were normal, so I went about my day to day routine and ignored or managed the pain with paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
I made two major flaws, I ignored my body, and I disregarded the free bowel screening test, not once but twice. Twice I had tossed the free test into my bedside draws. They still sit there today as a testament to my ignorance and naivety to think I could be anything but healthy.
The sad truth to my ignorance is that not only has my life changed but that of my wife, four children, eight beautiful grandchildren, family and friends. They have all had to see me go through major surgery and the fortnightly chemotherapy treatments which can leave me a little rough around the edges.
The saying, ‘change is sometimes good’ has never rung truer in my eyes because now I get to advocate for bowel cancer awareness and through wonderful groups like Bowel Cancer Australia, I can make a difference in many lives and hope to change the mentality that I had and think that I'm invincible.
This December Bowel Cancer Australia are running their Decembeard | Decembhair campaign to raise awareness and funds for Australia's second deadliest cancer killer. By simply letting it grow or letting it go you can help support those living with or beyond bowel cancer. I'm in but I guess by looking at my ugly mug you might have guessed." ~ Richard.

Join Richard this Decembeard and sign-up here to be bold for bowel cancer. Grow, dye, shave or decorate your beard to raise awareness and funds for Bowel Cancer Australia this December.
“This is for Dean, Nicole, Keely, Courtney, Ainsley, Peter, Gemma, Adam, Stuart, Olivia, Anta, Deborah, Kelly, Geoff, Jo, Brendan and all those, including their loved ones, who have been touch by this disease." ~ Jess.⁠
Jess’ beloved husband Dean passed away from bowel cancer in July last year at the age of 38.⁠
On the 30th of April 2019, Dean went for a colonoscopy and knew it wasn’t good news straight away. Immediately after being discharged, he was sent for CT and MRI scans, and following a meeting with his colorectal surgeon two days later, Dean was told he had Stage 4 bowel cancer that had spread to his liver and lungs. It was a complete shock for Dean, Jess and their family.
Over the next three years, amid countless medical appointments, tests, scans and treatments, Dean shared his lived experience to help raise awareness that you’re never too young to have bowel cancer and support other young people diagnosed with early-onset bowel cancer.
In Dean’s words “if something I say means just one person goes to the doctor and gets checked, then it’s worth it”.
Since Dean’s passing Jess has been noticing a lot more rainbows than normal, particularly on the days she’s feeling a bit sad. ⁠
In memory of Dean and the rainbows they share, and for all the friends they have made along the way, Jess decided to colour her hair like a rainbow for Decembhair. Continuing the bold awareness and fundraising efforts the pair started together back in 2019, helping to save lives and improve the health and wellbeing of people living with bowel cancer.

Join Jess this Decembhair and sign-up here to be bold for bowel cancer. Dye, cut, grow, shave, or wax your hair, anywhere, to raise awareness and funds for Bowel Cancer Australia this December.

"In 2017, my dad lost his battle with bowel cancer. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and was already in the late stages of the disease by time he received his diagnosis. 

I have always wanted to run a marathon and felt this was a great opportunity to share my dad's story and create awareness about the disease.
I didn't have a financial goal for this run, but I'm stoked to have raised just over $4k for Bowel Cancer Australia. My main purpose for this run was to promote awareness and the importance of screening.
It's really great to hear of people taking this message on board and encouraging their family and friends to get tested.
So stoked to have completed this run and achieved my goal. First and hopefully not my last!" ~ Jonathan.

If you were inspired by Jonathan's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.
“On Friday 6 October VPELA (Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association), UDIA Victoria (Urban Development Institute of Australia) and PIA Victoria (Planning Institute of Australia) held the Nexus Ball.
The Nexus Ball is the premier event for young professionals in Victoria’s planning, development and environment industries. It’s an annual collaboration and a wonderful opportunity for members to network across the associations.
Each year the event supports a charity relating to young people and this year we were thrilled to support the Bowel Cancer Australia’s Never2Young initiative.” Grace, on behalf of VPELA.

If you were inspired by VPELA's fundraiser and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraising event, get in touch with us through our webform.



Here is a photo of my dad, Greagh, with all of his grandchildren taken in March this year. Little did we know our worlds would turn upside down less than 6 months later. 

I created a Facebook Fundraising page in loving memory of my dad, who was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August and, heartbreakingly, passed away just six weeks later (17/09/2023). His journey was brief, but his impact on our lives was immeasurable.

My dad's battle with cancer highlighted the urgency of the need for advancements in cancer research, prevention, early diagnosis, treatment, and support for families who are caring for their loved ones. Bowel Cancer Australia is an organisation that is close to my heart, and I believe what you are doing is invaluable work in these critical areas. I hope that much-needed funds continue to be invested in the fight against bowel cancer so that breakthroughs in research can advance treatment and early detection.

By fundraising, I want to honour my dad’s strength, resilience and unwavering love and I hope that the funds can make a positive impact and bring hope to others who are facing similar challenges.” ~ Jean.

If you were inspired by Jean's fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a Facebook Fundraiser, details are available here.

"When I was diagnosed, I had amazing support from Bowel Cancer Australia so when I found out that I could raise money for them for my first marathon it felt like the right opportunity to give a little back.

At the age of 34, newly married and with a 2-year-old daughter, I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer. It had metastasised to my liver, and I was very weak. We have a family history of the disease, but I thought I was too young.

Bowel Cancer Australia helped us greatly at a time when we were scared and confused.

I’m now 4 years cancer free and to be completing a marathon feels amazing. I hope that I can inspire others affected by bowel cancer to live their best life." ~ Sam.

If you were inspired by Samuel's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

"I ran the Sydney Marathon in memory of our friend Sam Lee, who at 38 was taken way too soon as a result of bowel cancer.

Discussing Sam's story with friends has prompted several people I know to have checkups on symptoms that have resulted in some close calls (e.g. abnormities detected and removed).

Some of these symptoms can be easily dismissed and explained with changes in our day to day lives, but can also be associated with bowel cancer e.g. weight loss, a change in bowel movements, blood, back pain, abdominal pain etc..

This is a cancer that is impacting more people of a younger age, with calls to lower the testing age (currently 50 in Australia) and get more access to screening and detection methods for younger people.

Throughout my training I often found myself thinking about Sam, the amazing person he was and his wonderful family. It seemed fitting to honour his name in his home city, whilst remembering him, raising funds for Bowel Cancer Australia and increasing awareness on this disease." ~ Andrew.

If you were inspired by Andrew's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

 "Most of you will know that when our 'girls who brunch group' get together it does not usually involve running. However, on Sunday 10th September that's exactly what we did!

Sarah, Sam, Casey, Nat and I committed to completing the 5 or 10km Women's Classic to fundraise for Bowel Cancer Australia, to support the great work they do and for a cause currently close to us all.

With 10km being a distance I run pretty regularly, to up the stakes, I completed the run in a poo emoji costume. We want to encourage everyone to 'check your poo' and 'go with your gut' when you get the feeling something isn't quite right.

We are very proud of our fundraising efforts and have been blown away by the support from friends, family, colleagues and people who had a special connection to our cause." ~ Emma.

If you were inspired by Emma's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

"Whilst signing up to run 42.2 kilometres in the Sydney Marathon, I was given the option to use this experience to help a charity of my choosing!⁠

After losing my best friend Shelley last year and my Dad in 2017 both to bowel Cancer, there was no other charity in mind!⁠

Shelley was the most lively and ambitions person you could come across and she took on her fight with such grace, and always with the intention of making others aware of how this it too a young persons disease. Shelley never lost sight of helping other people and did many fundraisers, even when she was struggling financially due to losing work to her sickness. ⁠

I wanted to continue that work for her, and I wanted to run in her honour because even when she couldn’t walk anymore, she still had more fight in her than anyone I’ve ever known." ~ Kiralee.

If you were inspired by Kiralee's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“I signed myself up for the FULL Sydney Marathon helping to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia - A cause that is very close to my heart.⁠

I lost my close friend Corinne back in March this year to bowel cancer unfortunately at such a young age… (36). I decided to fundraise on such an important cause as I know so many people who have come up to me since my friends passing on the affect's they’ve also had by this cancer too. ⁠

If I can bring some awareness to the younger generations and remind everyone to get checked if something isn’t right, then it’s a win for me.⁠

Running is more meaningful when you have all the support, love and encouragement behind you!” ~ Emma.

If you were inspired by Emma's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.
"My work, Western Autistic School, organized a Red Apple Day Fundraiser at my request as a way of helping, after my son was very suddenly diagnosed with Stage 4 Bowel cancer on April 29th of this year.
Jay had symptoms last August and went to a local doctor and also emergency at a local hospital after bleeding. Back then, he was told by a doctor that he was too young for bowel cancer, and he should change his diet and have more fibre. His visit to the emergency dept was a similar visit but he was told that it wasn’t urgent, but they would put him on a waiting list for a colonoscopy.
That colonoscopy never made it past the wait list. In April this year, he presented at a doctors after experience fatigue for quite some time, as well as gastro IBS like symptoms and considerable weight loss.
A blood test revealed he needed an immediate blood transfusion so that’s when he rang me to take him to a hospital and our world as we knew it, changed. A transfusion was done that night in Emergency and a CT done during the night. The next day came the news that no parent or 27-year-old young man wants to hear.
Jayden had a very large tumor in his bowel, as well as multiple liver tumors and spots in his lungs. An emergency operation was done a few days later and they removed 1/3 of his bowel, along with lymph nodes and other tissue.
Jay’s recovery was very slow and full of setbacks but 17 days later, he came out of hospital and back to live with us. Jay’s surgery was on May 1st and his ongoing treatment was transferred to our local hospital. Jay started chemo and trial drugs on June 1st (after a stressful 4 weeks of trying to still recover, put on weight and also even qualify for the trial). Jay’s’ particular bowel cancer is an aggressive one called BRAF gene.
Our son is an amazing young man who has got a strong will to fight this with all he has as well as a very pragmatic attitude and through every day since that first day of attending emergency, he has dealt with some dreadful days but has not lost his sense of humor through any of it.
Jay’s’ cancer is currently incurable, but he is doing remarkably well with treatment that will be ongoing and has had significant shrinkage in the liver tumors. We are so blessed to have such wonderful healthcare as well as all the research and trials.
Jay’s journey will not be easy, but he will never walk alone. Bowel cancer does not discriminate. We need more education for doctors and people in general to be made aware that it is NOT just an older person’s disease.
Red Apple Day was our way of spreading the word as well as raising money for research to find a cure and one day eradicating this hideous disease." ~ Cathy.

If you were inspired by Western Autistic School's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.


 Pranav & Prash trekked the last 116km of the Camino trail to raise much needed funds and awareness for Bowel Cancer Australia.⁠

"Our dear friend Naveen Patney sadly passed away last year after he was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer - he was only 40 years old so it really hit home that cancer does not care who it targets.⁠

We all know someone that has been affected by cancer at some point in their life being they have had it or a relative/loved one. ⁠

Let’s do this together and raise as much money as possible!" ~ Pranav & Prash

If you were inspired by Pranav & Prash's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.


"My battle with stage 3 bowel cancer started in November 2022 where I was diagnosed with this crappy disease. Many months of radiotherapy and chemotherapy (and over 700 pills, scans and blood tests) has put me on the long journey to recovery.

I'm now on the road to recovery. I finally got the good news in July that I beat Cancer! Bowel Cancer is the deadliest disease for Australians aged 25-44.

My sister's Maureen and Kathleen were super determined to run (and walk) the city2surf with me and raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia who have played a pivotal part in providing me with support, guidance and a safe space to talk about this sh*tty illness (pun intended)." ~ Mark.

If you were inspired by Mark's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

"I decided to fundraise for Bowel Cancer Australia as my mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2012 and has now been cancer free for 10 years. I have seen how the work that foundations like Bowel Cancer Australia positively impacts the lives of those impacted by bowel cancer and I wanted to help as much as I could.

I feel so grateful that so many people chipped in to fundraise for your amazing cause. It was tough but I managed to smash out my half marathon in 2:21:51 whilst proudly wearing the Bowel Cancer Australia ribbon." ~ Jasmine.

If you were inspired by Jasmine's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“It was a fantastic experience fundraising throughout June. In total I raised $1250, which exceeded my expectations! I think people were incentivised by the promise to match every dollar with one burpee (haha!). It was truly touching to see the people in my life rally around a cause that they know is so close to home for me and my family. I completed most of the burpees in my local gym (Fitstop Ashgrove).⁠

I had so many people checking in with me to see how the burpees were going as they saw me completing them before and after classes - even better that it got people talking about Bowel Cancer and the way it impacts people's lives. ⁠

After suffering IBS symptoms (and attributing it to a gluten intolerance) for many years, my mum was sent for a routine colonoscopy by her GP. She woke up to the news that she had stage 3 bowel cancer, the tumour had likely been growing for at least 8+ years and if mum had left it any longer, her prognosis likely would have been very different. ⁠

Mum is a prime example that early diagnosis is so important. We are so grateful that Bowel Cancer Australia is promoting this message.” ~ Maya.⁠

If you were inspired by Maya's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.

"I'm so proud to support Bowel Cancer Australia. ⁠

My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer on his wife's birthday and found himself facing his first chemotherapy treatment two weeks later on his 40th birthday. Although there had been some signs, they were thought to be IBS. ⁠

Before his diagnosis I knew nothing about bowel cancer, but I now hope to help raise awareness and some funds for this great cause.⁠

I took part in the HBF Run for a Reason half marathon in May 2023 and was so proud to have raised $1,030. This will be the first of many fundraisers for Bowel Cancer Australia!" ~ Carly.⁠

If you were inspired by Carly's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“I’m so glad I could help raise money doing the C2S to have a direct impact on those affected by bowel cancer.

For me personally I have found the support from Bowel Cancer Australia amazing after my diagnosis in 2022 at age 36.

When you hear the words ‘we found cancer’ your life completely changes but to be given support and direction from such a fabulous organisation was such a huge help.” ~ Nat

If you were inspired by Nat's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2020 at the age of 42. It has changed my world. Bowel Cancer Australia has been an amazing support to me by providing bowel cancer nurses, nutritionists, and counselling. They have also facilitated connection with other people who live with bowel cancer.

During Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, I had the three main fundraisers:

1. 'Zumba gold with Helen' where I attended my Zumba class wearing my Bowel Cancer Australia "bum" shorts. At the end of each class, I had the opportunity to speak to the class about symptoms using the BCA B.O.W.E.L acronym. Attendees had the opportunity to donate at the end of the classes.

2. 'Westpac morning tea' my husband held a Morning Tea fundraiser at his work, selling ribbons to staff and the public to raise awareness and funds for Bowel Cancer Australia.

3. 'WCH PED afternoon tea and education session' I held an afternoon tea and education session at my workplace which included a presentation from Bowel Care Nurse, Fiona.

My reason is easy – family! My children are now at higher risk of bowel cancer due to my diagnosis. Knowing that this money will help fund research into preventing, detecting and treating bowel cancer means the world to me.

I rely heavily on the support of Bowel Cancer Australia - They are my lifeline. But honestly, I hope my children never have to access their services. I would never want them to go through the same experiences that I have.” ~ Nina.

A huge thank you to Nina for her amazing fundraising efforts whilst spreading much needed awareness during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. As a 100% community-funded charity, we rely on public support and our wonderful supporters!⁠

0385 BCA Sept 2023 Supporters in Action Nina Di Santo 1520x320

If you were inspired by Nina's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through ouwebform.

“I work for Rhythm Biosciences and many in the team have had personal experience with friends and/or family who have been diagnosed with bowel cancer. As a company our focus is to improve participation rate in bowel cancer testing, and we were happy to increase awareness during Bowel Cancer Awareness month.

During June, the Rhythm Biosciences team set out to walk 10,000 steps per day. It was a good opportunity to create/increase healthy habits while reminding others about bowel cancer in Australia. We also held ‘the biggest morning tea’ to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia and the Cancer Council which included a talk from Stephanie from Bowel Cancer Australia.

We look forward to finding other ways to help support the great work done by Bowel Cancer Australia.” ~ Michael.

A big thank you to Michael and everyone who participated in the Bio-Steps Challenge at Rhythm Biosciences to raise much-needed funds and awareness.


If you were inspired by Rhythm Biosciences fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a company fundraiser, please get in touch with us through ouwebform.

Bowel cancer advocate and supporter Rachel, hosted a ‘Bowel Cancer Ball’ fundraise to raise awareness that you are Never2Young for bowel cancer following her own diagnosis, alongside raising funds for Bowel Cancer Australia.

“Since being diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer at 38 years old, I had my tumour removed including cancerous lymph nodes and am now undergoing six months of chemotherapy.

I am passionate about supporting Bowel Cancer Australia because they do a lot of advocacy for early-onset bowel cancer. They offer great support which I have used myself such as the nutritionist, the Facebook group (The Movement - Wellness Beyond Diagnosis) online webinars and a great community of young people sharing stories and providing inspiration.

 I think everyone shed a tear at least once on the night with all the inspirational stories we heard. Helping to spread awareness, advocacy and having those conversations about your health.

Thanks to all those who donated to the raffle and auction draws. Your generous donations made for a fabulous night for all and we raised $14,108.45 for Bowel Cancer Australia." ~ Rachel

If you were inspired by Rachel's fundraising activities and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.


“For 11 years my father Nunzio fought bowel cancer with strength and determination unrivalled. He inspired us all on a daily basis with his unshaken positivity and optimism. Unfortunately, the available treatments stopped working, and he was eventually taken from us.
One of his few regrets was not getting checked out earlier, because his mother was diagnosed with bowel cancer five or so years beforehand. The awareness wasn’t there, and that is what I want to create. It’s not just about raising money, but about creating ongoing awareness. Early detection can lead to prevention.
I’m just doing my part to raise as much money and awareness as possible, to fight this disease.” ~ Dan.

If you were inspired by Dan’s online fundraising activities on Twitch and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.
“A little bit about our story and our beloved Stacey.
Stacey aged 27 has three children Jack (6), Charlie (4) and Kahlani (1), and went to her GP (04/01/17) due to stomach, bowel and back pain.
Doctors scheduled a colonoscopy and an endoscopy which put her on the waiting list for three months. During that waiting period the pain increased, which pushed her to the GP again. Stacey was admitted to emergency for a CT scan thinking it was kidney stones (16/03/17). The scan showed Stacey had a 7cm tumour on her bowels which was scheduled to be removed on the (22/03/17).
In theatre, doctors found the tumour had doubled in size, there was cancer nodules in her pelvic tissue and that the tumour had tried to spread through her large intestine cell wall.
The doctors said that this type of cancer is called Signet-Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma. Stacey was at Stage 4, which is primary and secondary.
Stace was a strong loving adventurous person who loved a good challenge. During her chemotherapy she decided she wanted to do something extreme to raise awareness for bowel cancer in young people. She decided she wanted to do the Stadium Stomp - 7700 flights of stairs.
Three days after chemotherapy she powered through all her pain and exhaustion and did it with the family right behind her cheering her on.
The following year she decided we all had to do it again, but sadly in June 2018 Stace had lost her battle to bowel cancer and passed at 29.
The following month, in her memory, we completed the #Stomp4Stacey to help spread awareness that you are never too young to get it and every year since we continue to keep her memory alive and spread the awareness in her honour.
Thank you for reading our story of our beloved Stacey, may she rest in peace. Our warrior.
Here are some photos of us doing the #Stomp4Stacey each year (unfortunately 2020 and 2022 was affected by COVID and wasn’t running).” ~ Carlie.
Supporters in Action Carlie S

If you were inspired by Carlie's awareness raising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

Amy and Sara hosted their second event for Bowel Cancer Australia in honour of the late Rob Bosch, who lost his battle to Bowel Cancer in 2019.⁠

⁠The ‘Time is Precious Charity Ball’ was held at the Hyatt Regency in Sydney with 400 guests in attendance, alongside guest speaker and Bowel Cancer Australia Ambassador, Jessica Kidd. ⁠

⁠"The event raised a remarkable amount - over $80,000, with 100% of proceeds donated to Bowel Cancer Australia. With the help of ‘Ministry of Rock’ entertainment, the atmosphere was absolutely electric!" ~ Amy.⁠

Huge thanks to Amy & Sara for their continued support and amazing fundraising efforts, whilst spreading much needed awareness that you are Never2Young for bowel cancer.⁠


If you were inspired by Amy and Sara's fundraiser and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraising event, get in touch with us through our webform.



Just two weeks after his bowel cancer diagnosis and surgery, Fanatec GT World Challenge Australia driver Mike Sheargold created the N2YGT3 campaign to raise awareness and funds for bowel cancer, with the Mercedes-AMG GT3 proudly displaying a brand new Bowel Cancer Australia livery.
“I’m feeling a bit sore and tired, but very happy and overwhelmed with the support from my family, friends and motorsport community, not to mention the care and support I’ve received from all the doctors and nurses” Mike reported from his hospital bed.
Had it not been for the medical examination required for Mike to renew his Motorsport Australia competition licence, the cancer may have remained undetected for some time.
“When I did the medical to renew my licence, the blood test detected low iron levels, so my GP suggested some further tests, which ultimately resulted in the cancer diagnosis,” he said.
“Normally, people don’t commence regular bowel cancer screening until they reach 50, so it could have gone undiagnosed for a long time and ended up becoming far worse. I really have my involvement in motorsport to thank for catching it at such an early stage.”
To kick start the campaign Mike and his wife Lauren, together with the Sheargold Foundation, pledged $50,000 in the hope that with further support this amount could be matched.
The initiative quickly surpassed the initial target of $100,000, and Mike increased the fundraising goal to $150,000.
RAM Motorsport used the motorsport platform to raise awareness of early-onset bowel cancer and support lowering the screening age in response to the increasing rates of bowel cancer in younger people.
Mike made a miraculous comeback to racing, at Round 4 of the Fanatec GT World Challenge Australia in late July, just six weeks after his surgery, and with chemotherapy yet to commence. He returned to his regular driving duties alongside Garth Walden at Sydney Motorsport Park in the Bowel Cancer Australia Mercedes.
It was an eventful day with a couple of off-track excursions in qualifying, but a great result in Race 1 with 2nd in the AM class and 10th outright.
Both drivers were exploring the limits in qualifying and had excursions at Turn 1, but fortunately there was no major damage to the Mercedes and Mike scored a personal best while Garth set a time good enough to score a spot in the Top 10 Shootout.
In the race, Mike ran a conservative opening stint on a hot and greasy track, before handing over to Garth who charged to the finish.
The Bowel Cancer Australia Mercedes was on the track again for Round 5 of the Fanatec GT World Challenge Australia at Queensland Raceway, with the race culminating in 3rd place and a podium finish.
The campaign exceeded its revised target of $150,000.

If you were inspired by RAM Motorsport's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a company fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

L'Hopital Burlesque hosted an extraordinary Burlesque charity event ‘A Prescription for Pleasure’ helping to raise awareness and funds for Bowel Cancer Australia.

“We hosted L'Hopital Burlesque with a heartfelt commitment to Bowel Cancer Australia and in honour of our remarkable friend, Bec McMahon, who continually inspires us.

Our primary objectives were to amplify awareness about youth bowel cancer and to offer essential support for the future of those diagnosed.

With an enthusiastic audience of over 200 attendees and a contribution of $20,569 to Bowel Cancer Australia, we proudly achieved both of our goals.” – L’Hopital Burlesque Producers, Alex, Lauren, Indiana & Bec

A very big thank you to Alex, Lauren, Indiana & Bec for their incredible fundraising efforts, whilst spreading much needed awareness that you are Never2Young for bowel cancer.

If you were inspired by L’Hopital Burlesque's fundraising event and would like to raise much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, get in touch with us through our webform.




“After signing up for the Gold Coast Half Marathon, I decided that I would try to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia.

It went so well, I just put out a couple of simple posts and managed to raise some money for a cause close to my heart. That was my first half marathon too! 

I personally know some younger people who have been affected by bowel cancer. If I can bring some awareness to the younger generations and remind all to get checked if something isn’t right, then it’s a win for me.” ~ Ashleigh.

Huge thanks to Ashleigh for her amazing efforts, raising just over $1000 for us whilst spreading much needed awareness.

If you were inspired by Ashleigh's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

Healthy Environs hosted a Men's Health Week themed football round in Roxby Downs to support Bowel Cancer Australia and raise awareness.

"The aim of the Men’s Health Week round is to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease, while providing information on health services available to boys, men and their families. We had eight men book into the local GP for their free health check which is something we do annually in collaboration with the local GP.

On the event day, players wore blue socks and the officials’ blue shirts. The day also included activities for kids, dancers, music, half time games etc. We decided that we wanted some of the proceeds from the gate and the proceeds made selling stubby holders to go to a cause. The committee decided they would like this cause to be Bowel Cancer Australia. One of our committee members sadly losing her husband to bowel cancer and another has seen her stepdad battle this disease and luckily survive." ~ Terressa

Huge thank you to everyone involved in the Men’s Health Week Fundraiser for your fabulous fundraising efforts.


If you were inspired by Healthy Environ's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through ouwebform.

“I feel very fortunate to be healthy and fit, so I decided to try to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia. I chose this cause because unfortunately, I know a few people who have been affected by bowel cancer. It's a devastating disease and one that I feel isn't spoken enough about, in terms of ways to look out for the signs. I want the money I raise to go towards supporting people with bowel cancer and their families, as well as helping to fund bowel cancer research." ~ Elle.

If you were inspired by Elle's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
“After being diagnosed with bowel cancer shortly after turning 30, I wanted to do Dry July to fundraise for Bowel Cancer Australia.
My diagnosis was a complete shock to me, my family and my friends. My diagnosis was made within days of having stomach pains. I had surgery to remove a tumour.
The support shown by everyone involved in my treatment and ongoing follow-up checks has been great.
After experiencing firsthand the support that our healthcare workers provide, I now know the importance that fundraising can have to people.
By promoting my fundraising efforts, I am also hoping to raise awareness that bowel cancer does impact younger people too.
I have surpassed my initial fundraising target, which has been incredibly humbling. I know the money raised will make a positive impact to whoever needs it.” ~ Ayden.

If you were inspired by Ayden's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
"I'm taking part in Dry July to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia for a few reasons, but mainly to honour my Oma (grandma), Mary.

My Oma and Opa moved into our backyard to live in a Granny Flat over 20 years ago, when I was a still a teenager. My Oma was very close to myself and my two sisters. Oma was vivacious, traditional and loved her three granddaughters very much. I have wonderful and fun memories of Oma; from her scraping and saving to buy myself and my sisters our first Cabbage Patch Doll; to having conversations about life on the swing outside her flat, to her yelling my father's surname to get his attention as she strode purposely up the long backyard to our house; to her proudly announcing my acceptance into University by storming into the kitchen, waving the newspaper announcement excitedly around.

Oma was the first person I had deeply loved who had passed away. I remember seeing her body and thinking that it wasn't her, it looked like her but there was something not quite right. I remember sitting outside with her before she passed and her been so selflessly worried about how Opa would cope without her; and not her fear of dying. The grief my family and I felt after she passed was unimaginable.

I hope my small fundraising amount (around $1,500 at present) and the memory of my beautiful Oma will help raise awareness and help those in need fight this terrible disease." ~ Alicia.

If you were inspired by Alicia's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.

“I was home with newborn twins when my close friend, Sarah, who we all called Foster, rang me from her car telling me that the colonoscopy had found bowel cancer. Shortly after, she had a bowel resection and commenced rounds of chemotherapy.

Sarah had recently returned from years of living overseas and was really in the prime of her life in terms of career, romance and knowing what she wanted out of life. This news was such a terrible shock to us all - she was almost 34 at the time of diagnosis. It made no sense, she was young, vibrant, healthy and didn’t fit the stereotypical picture of a bowel cancer patient.

My first Dry July was in 2019. The “hardship” of a month without alcohol was insignificant in comparison to Sarah’s bravery and approach to chemotherapy. Although she was a health professional who had worked in many hospitals; she had always hated being a patient and had fears of needles. But her love for life, her partner, doggo, friends, family, and the world outweighed her fears and she went through rounds of treatment and tried everything available to beat the disease and gain time. Foster adored my twins and spent so much time marvelling at their every development, and she became their Kuma (Croatian for Godmother).

Foster was passionate about raising awareness. She encouraged people to stay curious about their bodies. She met Jody, another young bowel cancer patient, and together they began the account “Cells Behaving Badly”. She took the time she had to try and make the most of life, marrying her partner Justin.

2020 was such a hard year, limiting Foster’s time and taking away the more humane aspects of her treatment. Despite this, her treating team were amazing and compassionate in such trying circumstances. The same year, my cousin Danny, whose only symptom was a cough he couldn’t shake, was also diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer. The disease had reached his lungs; he was 41 at the time of diagnosis.

In November 2020, aged 36, Sarah died and left a huge hole in our lives. In December 2020, aged 42, Danny died, leaving behind his wife and two young daughters. The ripple effect of their loss continues; as do the wonderful memories of two amazing people who lived incredible lives.

It is the memories of both Foster and Danny that mean I can fundraise so well in Dry July; so many lovely people donate in their honour. Sadly, a close friend of mine also lost her sister to the disease 2 months ago. It only sharpens my resolve to keep fundraising in honour of those gone too soon.

2023 is my 5th year of Dry July. This year I went sugar, chocolate and alcohol-free for a month for Bowel Cancer Australia. It’s great to see the work they do in increasing awareness, adapting screening to research and supporting those who are going through it. I’m very pleased to see Social Work and a Nutritionist joining the team, to give more holistic care. Thank you Bowel Cancer Australia.” ~ Monique.

Monique T

If you were inspired by Monique's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.

“This is our second year running the half marathon and third year running at Run Melbourne to raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia. In April 2021 at the age of 46 after a few weeks of stomach pains my husband went to his GP. His GP referred him on for more tests including a colonoscopy. After the colonoscopy he was told it was cancer. Surgery was within a few weeks, and he was given the diagnosis of Stage 3a bowel cancer after it was found in four lymph nodes.

He had 6 months of chemo and used running as way of reducing the side effects of chemo. This proved to be very helpful both mentally and physically. It’s now been over two years and we are thankful that everything looks good. We want to continue to raise funds and awareness.

We hope every little bit helps and will continue to do our bit and raise awareness.” ~ Jennifer.

If you were inspired by Jennifer's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.
“Lil came up with the idea three years ago when dad (her Grandy) had just been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She was only 11 at the time and didn’t really know what to do but she wanted to help. She loves running, so Lily’s Mission was born.

At the time it was just a run walk event of 50km, but it’s grown so much bigger in that time! Our supporters are now family.

Lily’s Mission 2023 was the most magical day! The town really did come out and support us, we are still speechless. I was extremely emotional once it came time to shave, but my beautiful dad who has bowel cancer got to shave my head which was pretty special.

Here are photos of our Lily running her 50km, the Lily’s Mission team, and me getting my head shaved by dad.” ~ Sophie (Lily and the Lily’s Mission team).

Lily Sophie P

If you were inspired by Lily's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“This is our third year holding a fundraiser for Jacquie. She was a proud mum to four beautiful children, a doting grandmother, a loving wife, Disney lover, a caring friend and passionate clinical nurse. Her birthday is in July however she will forever be 47. On March 2nd July 2021 approximately, one year from her initial diagnosis Jacquie lost her battle with bowel cancer. Taken too young. She will be forever missed.” ~ Karen, Tracie & the team at St Andrews Hospital Ispwich.
Karen P

If you were inspired by Karen and Tracie's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.

"We decided to raise awareness and raise funds for Bowel Cancer Australia after our Dad passed away from Stage 4 bowel cancer. He passed away, 11 May 2019, 18 months after his diagnosis.

Our Dad was amazing, always funny, caring and supportive of my brother and myself. He kept his sense of humour through his journey. I think that is what helps us get through our hard days. He is with us all the time.
Our Mum, Maxine, was his biggest 'rock'. She cared for him in every way possible, the good times and hard times.
My brother and I have a tattoo on our lower leg for him. We had this done while he was going through treatment. We also had his handwriting tattooed on us so we always have him right there." ~ Donna, Our Cake Room.
Donna and Benjamin

If you were inspired by Our Cake Room's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.

“My name is Maddie, I was 20 years old when my Gastroenterologist found thousands of polyps in my intestines and stomach due to having familial polyposis. We knew there was a 50/50 chance of me having it as it runs in my family with my dad and grandma having it. Luckily for myself none of my polyps in my stomach or intestines were actively cancerous at the time but it was a quick move to have a total colectomy. From now it means I require a yearly colonoscopy and gastroscopy to ensure the polyps that will be continually developing don’t turn cancerous.

I’m raising money because if it hadn’t been for the progress in bowel cancer awareness, fundraising and the research behind new advancements; my dad would not be alive today and I wouldn’t have a clue about what’s been developing in my body until it potentially could be too late. So, it’s time for me to try give back to an organisation I never knew would have such an important impact on my life and the lives of so many others.

I am now back to living a normal life and am able to travel and do everything in life I’d always wanted to do. My dad is an active 60-year-old who has spent many years post his surgery (he had his when he was 27 years old) travelling, living an active lifestyle and raising a family with my mum. I also wanted to share my story for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month to encourage others to not be afraid to get checked early because if you find it early, it can be stopped.” ~ Maddie.

If you were inspired by Maddie's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
“I’m just your ordinary retiree (ex-nurse/midwife) that believes more could have been done for Mum. She was a vibrant feisty woman who seldom gave up on anything.
Mum came from Cairns to visit us in Mandurah at the end of March last year, she was here for two days before being admitted with a gut obstruction. They removed 50+ cm of small bowel and tumour. Mum was too unwell for chemo or further treatment and died 23 August.
Mum had been going to her doctor for nearly 2 years with her symptoms without being investigated. We lost Mum to bowel cancer that had gone undetected and undiagnosed. She was 88.

I don’t want anyone else to suffer like she did.” ~ Gina.

If you were inspired by Gina's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
"I'm passionate about doing Dry July not only for my own health and to have a break from alcohol but to raise money and awareness surrounding bowel cancer in Australia. Recently, one of my good friends and motorsport supporters Mike Sheargold was diagnosed with bowel cancer.
Fortunately, it was detected early and Mike has undergone a successful operation, but it shows cancer can strike anyone at any time. When Mike notified me that he was diagnosed with bowel cancer I was in shock and instantly thought of what I could do to show my support for him, and Dry July is the perfect platform for me to do that. I have already hit my first goal of raising $2,500 now I'm aiming to double that!
This is a photo of Mike and I together when we finished second at the Bathurst 6 hour earlier this year racing one of his cars." ~ Dylan.

If you were inspired by Dylan's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
"Bowel and stomach cancer runs in our family - it took my dad when I was 11 years old. The devastation that left us and the hardships we had to endure in the years to come was made bearable by the amazing support of our close family and friends, and the community we belonged to.
Trinity Health and Performance is donating to Bowel Cancer Australia this Dry July because we believe in the power of giving back and paying it forward. We know first hand what it is like to get the diagnosis, what is like to watch your loved one slowly deteriorate, and to get the shocking news that you must rush to the hospital and being pulled out of school to say your final goodbye, only not to make it when you’ve arrived at the hospital. We also know that with a community that understands and supports you, you will get through the pain and suffering.
For this reason, we are going Dry this July to support Bowel Cancer Australia." ~ David and the team at Trinity Health and Performance.

If you were inspired by Trinity Health and Performance's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
“I decided to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia through the Canberra Times Fun Run after my "I did Run Melbourne (10km) as a tribute to my Dad who is in the process of beating bowel cancer. Most recently he spent 10 weeks in hospital following a procedure to reverse his ileostomy. Unfortunately, his radiation treatment killed nearby parts of his lower bowel as well as a section of duodenum.
He ended up having 3 surgeries and 2 stays in ICU and still has to visit the hospital 3x or week to receive fluids. Although the ileostomy was reversed, he now has a duodenostomy - but we are all still hopeful that he can have this reversed in the future.
I even rang Dad during the last 500m so he could cross the finish line with me! Thank you Bowel Cancer Australia for everything you do and I hope my small contribution helps." ~ Naomi.

If you were inspired by Naomi's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.
"This cause is very close to myself and my family as we lost our beloved Aunty Ann in 2020 (right at the start of COVID) to bowel cancer. The hardest part was not being able to say goodbye.

The one thing I did tell her was that I'd do everything I could to make her proud! This was something that felt right.
Donating to Bowel Cancer Australia and pushing my limits with a half marathon would have made her think I was crazy but she'd be so proud!
Loved and always remembered.
This photo is myself and my Fiancé Brendan with the sign he surprised me with at the half way point. There were lots of tears! Until next time!" ~ Amanda.

If you were inspired by Amanda's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.
"As a 33-year-old bloke, healthy, married with small kids, I never thought that I would be faced with a bowel cancer diagnosis at this point in my life.
For about 12 months or so, I was aware of some minor changes to my bowel movements, but I just put this down to food sensitivities or my body being messed around from shift work. In hindsight, I now know that was the first signs something was wrong.
Around the end of January 2023, I noticed a small bit of blood in my bowel movement. As a once off, I didn’t give it too much thought, however, after experiencing it again for the second time, I told my wife. She insisted that I get into any GP in our local area and to not leave their office until I had a referral to a colorectal surgeon.
Due to a close family member having had colorectal cancer, we knew the importance of getting checked, which is why my wife was so insistent. At no point did we think that bowel cancer was what was causing this, however, thought it best to get a referral so a specialist could confirm. I honestly thought shift work had gotten the better of me as I had been working shift work for about 17 years.
I went to a local GP, who I hadn’t been to before, and he advised me that I was too young for it to be anything serious, that this would likely pass and to come back if symptoms persisted. While I politely acknowledged that what he was saying may be correct, I was persistent in my request for a referral to a specialist and he reluctantly agreed.
The first available appointment with my colorectal surgeon was approximately four weeks after my consult with the GP and in that time, my symptoms worsened significantly. I was losing weight, passing large amounts of blood, was significantly fatigued and experienced cramping in my abdomen. When I met with my surgeon and spoke through my symptoms, he scheduled my colonoscopy immediately and I was undergoing the procedure within 5 days.
I woke expecting that I was going to be told I had haemorrhoids or something blokes my age commonly face; however, this was not the case.
I was told by the specialist that he found a number of polyps throughout my bowel but most significantly, he found a tumour that was about the size of a tennis ball. As I was groggy from the anaesthetic, this conversation is still a little hazy but I was aware I would need further surgery and that I was needing to undertake CT scans and blood work. I now know this was to see whether there was cancer in my lymph nodes or anywhere else in my body. The tumour was biopsied and I would be contacted with these results, as well as the result of my scans and bloods, as soon as possible.

Undertaking these tests and waiting for these results was daunting. I was eventually advised that I had bowel cancer, however, the positive news was that there was no indication it had spread to my lymph nodes or any other parts of my body. I subsequently underwent a colectomy on the 12th of April, which included a 20cm incision to remove a large portion of my bowel. They removed about 25cm of my colon. I spent a week in hospital and was off work for 2 months so that my body could recover. The portion of bowel and the tumour that was removed was tested which confirmed that the cancer cells were confined to the tumour and there was no indication of spread to the lymph nodes. I will now undergo frequent monitoring but feel incredibly lucky with my results and where I am now.
I am acutely aware of what waiting a further few months to go and get checked would have meant for me and my family and absolutely know that because of early detection, I have had a great outcome.
If it wasn’t for my wife, it probably would’ve been another thing I would’ve put off for a few months.

I cannot stress the importance of looking at, and talking about your bowel movements. It could be so many things other than cancer but in case it is, it is far better to know as early as possible.
You are never too young to have bowel cancer. And this is why I’m doing Dry July." ~ Renaldo.

If you were inspired by Renaldo's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.
“In January 2018 my identical twin sister (29 years of age that year) Christina was experiencing pain in her stomach all day. When I arrived home she advised she was still experiencing pain and we made her attend the Hospital thinking perhaps it was her appendix.
They did an ultrasound and couldn’t see anything but fluid, they questioned ‘colitis’ and said perhaps a cyst burst, although there was no other present. They sent her home and advised if pain persists to then come back.
When the pain became worse in February, she went to her GP who looked at her ultrasounds, ordered bloods and stools and called rapid access to order a colonoscopy to query if she perhaps had Crohns disease.
Bloods came back and doctor asked her to go on iron tablets as she was iron deficient, anaemic.

As she awaited her scopes, she was still sick and ended up in hospital again on 30th March. As she was due back in a week for her scope they discharged her with some medication for pain and bloating.
The day of her preparation for her scopes (cleanse day) she started vomiting and the cleanse was not working. She ended up in hospital again in emergency at 2am which we later found out was caused due to the blockage from the tumour.
When she had her scopes the tumour was found and it was said to be cancerous. Surgery was then booked in to remove the tumour (and a temporary stoma was given). They then confirmed the cancer was Stage 4 and had spread to her pelvic area including her ovaries/uterus.
No one wants to hear ‘you have cancer’. Being so young it’s not something you ever think of, then having to think about the possibility of dying, not being able to have kids of your own – it was so much to process, especially at 29 years old.
Sadly, Christina was only 30 when she left this world, passing away a mere 14 months after diagnosis. I will always cherish our 30th birthday we got to enjoy as our last birthday together and that I was there by her side throughout this tough journey, until her last breathe.” ~ Emily.
Supporters In Action Emily and Christina banner

If you were inspired by Emily's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.

“Dry July means so much for me this year. Sadly my wife, a daughter and a mum of two beautiful children, Chantel passed away after fighting bowel cancer for two and half years.

This is an opportunity I will take on every year to help raise as much money as I can to go towards bowel cancer research, detection and treatments. Young people are being diagnosed with disease every day and there needs to be shift in that this no longer an old person's disease.” ~ Shane.

Supporters In Action Shane S banner

If you were inspired by Shane's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.


“My mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2012 and died of this awful disease 4 years later in 2016.
I have been fundraising and raising awareness for over a decade.
I became friends with Stage 4 bowel cancer patient Nicole Cooper in 2018 after discovering her blog. We became good friends and we got to meet in person when she was in London with her family in 2019.
Nicole was always a great supporter of my fundraising. After Nicole’s tragic death in January, I decided to put a music release together in her memory and include Bowel Cancer Australia as one of the charities to benefit from the profits raised.
The Final Post 4-track EP features a narration of Nicole’s beautiful final post penned on the day she died.
The narration was done by 12 ladies from the bowel cancer community.
It’s available on my own www.rivers2cross.com website and all digital music platforms.” ~ Tim.

If you were inspired by Tim's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser, please get in touch with us through our webform.

“I wanted to raise awareness and funds after being diagnosed with bowel cancer at 34 years old with no family history. Luckily, we found it early and it is curable. I have just finished chemo and radiation therapy and I'm now awaiting surgery, so it seemed timely to do some fundraising on my birthday. It's a disease that a lot of people aren't comfortable talking about and yet it is one of the most common and deadliest cancers in Australia. Being diagnosed is an extremely scary time however, resources like Bowel Cancer Australia provide patients and their families with information and support to ease the stressful experience.” ~ Ashleigh

If you were inspired by Ashleigh's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through an In Celebration Facebook Fundraiser, details are available here.

“On 5 July 2022 I lost my beautiful mum to bowel cancer. We learned of her diagnosis just a few days after Mother’s Day and she was gone within 8 weeks.
From Mother’s Day 2023 until 5 July 2023, I will be raising money for Bowel Cancer Australia in her memory to support others with this terrible disease and to raise awareness. I will also be increasing my steps during this time and will walk, run or skip 300km from Mother’s Day until 5 July - one year on. My fundraising window also coincides with Bowel Cancer Awareness Month in June.

If you’d like to make a contribution, it will be gladly accepted. I can guarantee that I will be seeing lots of Mum’s sunsets during this time. Thank you for your support.” ~ Elizabeth.

If you were inspired by Elizabeth's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through an In Celebration Facebook Fundraiser, details are available here.

“I chose to have a bowel cancer fundraiser in lieu of gifts for my birthday as my mum was diagnosed in late 2022 and underwent surgery in early 2023 to remove the cancerous tissues. Thankfully we were lucky enough to catch it early. However, mum was the second person in our family to be diagnosed and this has now created a pattern for our wider family. My mother’s siblings also underwent colonoscopy procedures, on my mum and her surgeon’s advice, and pre-cancerous tissues were found in their tests as well. As with many cancers, catching it early is key and the professional and passionate treatment mum received from her GP, surgeons and all the fabulous nurses in between meant the absolute world to us. Mum will be here to see a couple more generations of our family now.” ~ Samantha.

If you were inspired by Samantha's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through an In Celebration Facebook Fundraiser, details are available here.

“In June 2021 my mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer which stemmed from something as simple as going to the doctor with stomach pain. When mum found out her and my dad Cesar had to make extremely difficult on-the-spot decisions on whether or not to have certain life-changing surgeries.

Mum had to undertake two different types of chemotherapy treatment, both of which did not work as at the time the cancer was too aggressive.
Mum made sure that she was always positive and put on a brave face, all she wanted was to spend as much time as possible with her family of 3 kids, 3 grandkids, and of course her husband.
Mum dedicated her life to helping people, she work at a retirement home looking after others.

She also had plans to work at a soup kitchen to help the homeless but never got to do so.

Rosa Pardo passed away in February 2022 surrounded by her loving family.
I created a GoFundMe page to help generate awareness and raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia in my mum's name.

In October 2022 I participated in a Spartan Race Trifecta weekend in Queensland. I accomplished my goal of Race 1 - 21km + over 30 obstacles with no penalties just over 4 hours, and also my fundraising goal of $5000.
Feel to follow along with me and my journey to achieving my goal on my Instagram page @d_pardo
2023 Supporters In Action Daniel P

If you were inspired by Daniel's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

 “I'm thrilled to share that the HBF Run for a Reason 2023 'Go For Glenn' fundraiser was a tremendous success!

Losing my brother to a three-year battle with bowel cancer has deeply impacted me, motivating my strong determination to raise awareness about the crucial importance of early detection and ensure that others receive the necessary support to overcome this disease.

Through personal experience, I am driven to make a difference by emphasising the significance of early intervention and advocating for accessible resources and assistance for those affected by bowel cancer.

We had an amazing turnout, with over 40 people running in our 'Go For Glenn' Team. It was truly admirable to see so many individuals come together to support such a worthy cause. I'm proud to announce that we exceeded our fundraising expectations, which has filled us with immense happiness and gratitude for the incredible support we received.

Thank you once again for your support and for giving me the opportunity to make a difference.” ~ Kaitlin.

If you were inspired by Kaitlin's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“After being diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic colon cancer in October of 2022, I felt lost and isolated and needed to find a new purpose for my life.

That’s when I came across Bowel Cancer Australia and immediately felt like I had found a community of people and a great source of information. I also saw an opportunity for me to find some meaning in my situation and I decided that I wanted to be a part of the efforts to raise awareness around bowel cancer in younger people and raise money for research.

So along with my family and friends I signed up for the 2023 HBF run for a reason in Perth and raised over $2000 for Bowel Cancer Australia. To spread the message of the Never2Young campaign, my friend and I bought one of the t-shirts and a pair of the exposed bottom shorts from the BCA shop.

My 12yr old nephew even agreed to wear a pair for me and we got a lot of attention on the day and had lots of fun! I can’t wait to do it all again next year!” – Melissa.

If you were inspired by Melissa's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a sporting event, check out our Activities & Events Calendar or get in touch with us through our webform.

“I am a Personal Trainer at Ripples Leisure Centre in St Marys. Through my work, I organised the ‘train the trainer’ fundraising event where our members could choose an exercise for the trainer to complete with each exercise being a different price.

I chose to support Bowel Cancer Australia as I lost my uncle Gavin 2 years ago at the young age of 39. I was very close with my uncle Gavin and I used this as a way to remember him and to encourage young people to get checked.

I managed to raise $1020 which I thought was really great for the first time doing this event.” ~ Taren.

If you were inspired by Taren’s fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

South Perth Physiotherapy is a small Physiotherapy Clinic based in Perth and they recently hosted a Pilates and massage day fundraiser for Bowel Cancer Australia, in honour of colleague, and dear friend Bec.

“Bec was unfortunately diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2021 and continues to courageously fight this condition with the support of her family, friends and community. We at South Perth Physiotherapy hope to continue to support Bec and all people diagnosed with this devastating condition, and hope our contribution helps raise awareness, support research, and improve care for those diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.

South Perth Physiotherapy are happy to announce that through massages, Pilates classes, raffle tickets and donations we raised a total of $2700!

We appreciate all those who volunteered their time to help out, who endured tough Pilates classes, enjoyed relaxing massages and contributed towards the amazing day and we hope to continue to support Bec with her recovery!” ~ Ashley.

If you were inspired by South Perth Physiotherapy's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“At the end of 2019 I was a bit concerned with changes in my bowel movements and knowing I have a family history of bowel cancer, I took myself off to the doctors (seriously, thanks to the campaign from Bowel Cancer Australia, which I felt like I was seeing EVERYWHERE!).

During my colonoscopy, I had three large polyps cut out. The diagnosis was Serrated polyposis syndrome and was booked in to become an annual visitor at the gastrointestinal clinic.

2020 became the year everything went on hold and in August, the actor Chadwick Boseman passed away due to colorectal cancer. It really hit me as he was so young, and I was so thankful I’d paid attention to my body and the campaign that seemed to be following me. I definitely sent the push through to my brothers to get a pre-screening check!

Earlier this year I went for my 3rd colonoscopy and got the news, no Polyps! I know I’m not out of the woods yet and have to keep the screening up, bi-annually for now, but it was a good wake up call to get my health in check.

I’ve working in hospitality my whole life and drinking has always been a big part of that, so when my best friend Thomas (featured in the photo) announced he was doing Dry July…I thought I’d sign up too.

Initially I thought I’d do it just to support him, but with signing up I saw I had the opportunity to raise the money for Bowel Cancer Australia. Considering I may not have gone to the doctor if it hadn’t been for the advertisements I saw, I thought what better way to say thank you than to raise money.” ~ Chloe.

If you were inspired by Chloe's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“The inspiration behind the Bowel Cancer Awareness fundraising we have done over the past couple of years was driven by one of the young members of our sales team being diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer in January 2021. He is a much-loved member of the team and as he continues to fight this insidious illness with tremendous courage, we wanted to support by raising funds for the cause.

Thankfully, we were able to rally friends, staff, suppliers and anyone we could rope in, to provide items that we could auction off via a silent auction. The auction was a tremendous success and gave all involved a real sense of community around the fundraiser and most importantly, a connection with our dear workmate.” ~ Jimmy and the team at Luxottica.

If you were inspired by Luxottica’s fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a company fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“I first took part in the fundraiser Dry July in 2010 after a dear friend died from ovarian cancer. I've been dry every July since, to remember this friend and others with cancer.

This year, my 12th, I chose to support Bowel Cancer Australia because my mother was diagnosed with and treated for bowel cancer. The diagnosis was a shock and what she wanted was to learn as much as possible about it.

The Bowel Cancer Australia website provided a source of accessible, reliable information.

I write this having just spoken to her after her last dose of chemotherapy - hooray! Her attitude throughout has been so incredible and, even when feeling unwell, she has inspired and taught me new things, as she has my whole life.

We now live very far apart, but Dry July has helped me feel closer, and was a way to show how much I care. She's a private person, so this is a picture of me the day we found one of our favourite native orchids together - a flying duck.” ~ Julia.


If you were inspired by Julia's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

In support of their well-respected colleague Mandy, Bathurst Community Corrections Kicked Ass by raising $1,220 for Bowel Cancer Australia as part of our annual Kick Ass campaign.

On 1st of March, they organised a huge raffle, delicious afternoon tea, and a jiu jitsu session facilitated by Bathurst Correctional Centre’s Custodial staff.

“After recently undergoing bowel cancer treatment for the third time, Mandy bravely shared her story on the Bowel Cancer Australia Facebook page.

The fundraising initiative was leading up to International Women’s Day, given the courageous woman Mandy is, and to urge women to go to the GP if they notice any changes in their bowel habits.

Well done to Mandy, for being such a Kick Ass woman, and to all the Bathurst Corrective Services NSW staff who rallied together to raise money and awareness for such an important issue. Many educational conversations were had, many stories were shared and we shed tears of sadness and laughter“~ Natalie.

If you were inspired by Bathurst Community Correction's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“During a routine doctor’s appointment, I mentioned in passing that I had been intermittently passing blood for close to six months, but I justified the symptoms to myself with it being the silly season where I had over indulged, or ate spicy food.

My GP’s reply was ‘you should have started with that!!’ Never once did I really think I would have cancer, I was only 38. Wasn’t bowel cancer for old people? I mean you get sent the tests in the post when you turn 50 - I was ages away from that!

After going through the prep, I thought I was through the worse of it. I went into the procedure feeling positive and thinking they may find maybe a polyp but nothing serious, but I was very mistaken. I woke up from the colonoscopy with the doctor telling me they had found something and it was cancer.

I remember lying in recovery in absolute shock, tears slowly rolling down my face. Two weeks later I was in surgery for five hours to remove my tumour, lymph nodes and to create a temporary ileostomy. I was diagnosed with Stage 3C rectal cancer and it had spread to three of my lymph nodes. 

I tend to use humour to deal with things and this was no different, so I gave my tumour a name - Trevor the tumour. I felt that if I gave it a name it wouldn’t be as scary (I also called my stoma - Homer the Stoma). I then started chemo every two weeks for six months. Chemo had its challenges, but I was supported through it by my amazing husband, family and friends. I counted down each cycle and celebrated every small milestone and got back up at every hurdle.

I am now 3 1/2 years clear but still having regular scans and check-ups with multiple specialists, dealing with the subsequent side effects from the treatment. Going dry in July is no hardship, especially if I can help the Bowel Care Nurse pilot program expand so more patients receive dedicated support from a Bowel Cancer Nurse.

I wanted to take part in Dry July once I saw that Bowel Cancer Australia was a beneficiary, to help raise awareness of bowel cancer. Before I was diagnosed it wasn’t something that was on my radar.  Bowel cancer isn’t one of the cancer’s that is considered ‘sexy’. No celebs are rushing to be the face of an awareness campaign, because really who wants to talk about poo? Yet it is the second deadliest cancer, with the young onset number rising.” ~ Shelley.

If you were inspired by Shelley's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“Every time my Nan went to the bathroom to move her bowels, she had pain and would be bleeding. This lasted for a couple of weeks to almost a month and got worse as time went on.

She put off going to see the doctor as her daughter (my Aunty) was pregnant with her first child and wanted to be there for her just in case there was any bad news. After my Aunty had her son, my Nan finally went and saw the doctor, it was in November of 1999.

With it being a Saturday appointment her local doctor in the small town of Ayr, Queensland, booked an appointment on the Monday with a specialist who performed a colonoscopy ASAP to see if they could get further details from that. She got the results back; it was high level 2 bowel cancer. Her doctor booked her in for keyhole surgery and then an operation the remove a length of the bowel which contained a large polyp, all went well.

Although it was scary, being cancer, luckily it was all contained inside the walls of the bowel and had not spread elsewhere.

She says she’s very lucky she went to the doctor when she did and didn’t leave it any later.

It will be 23 years this November since the diagnosis and procedure to remove part of her bowel. She still has to have colonoscopies every 2-5 years and gets polyps in her bowel removed each time she has a procedure. I’m thankful she’s still with us all with her turning 73 this year in August.

5 years ago, I went to the doctors as I had blood in the stool and each time I would open my bowels there would be blood in the toilet. I went to the doctor with my Mum, as it’s her Mum (my Nan) who had bowel cancer. Thankfully for me it was just a bad case of haemorrhoids.

The reason I supported Dry July is for my Nan and also to share that if there’s any signs or symptoms that people might be experiencing to go see a doctor straight away to get help or possibly diagnosed and treated. I hope everyone with bowel cancer can have a happier future with the help of specialised doctors and help with treatments.” ~ Brodie & Nan (Bev).

 0351 BCA May 2023 Supporters In Action Brodie Stenning 1520x320 Banner

If you were inspired by Brodie's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“When I found out that Bowel Cancer Australia was a beneficiary of Dry July, I wanted to be involved to raise awareness, to support the Bowel Care Nurse program and to honour the memory of my beautiful friend Susan.

Susan, 35 and a mum to two little ones (Leo now three years and Lucy 16 months), was diagnosed in October 2021 and passed away a month later in November from Stage 4 bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer can be treated successfully if found early. Young people and medical professionals need to be aware of the signs and investigate them, rather than attributing those indicators to symptoms of a busy life, recent pregnancy or something that might pass.” ~ Katie.


If you were inspired by Katie's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“In March 2020 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer at 33, it has been truly the hardest time of my life.

Something that made it more bearable and reminded what life was all about was starting a list of 100 things I had always wanted to do and work my way through them. Number 7 on my list was easing $5000 for Bowel Cancer Australia.

I am so proud to raise money for a charity that help raise awareness especially for early onset bowel cancer.” ~ Chloe.

0351 BCA May 2023 Supporters In Action Chloe Geeves 1520x320 Banner

If you were inspired by Chloe's fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“In 2015, my uncle was diagnosed with bowel cancer. This was a really tough time for me as I’m very close with my family and they unfortunately live on the other side of the world.

I felt helpless and like all I could do was sit, wait, and hope for the best outcome. This was distressing to say the least as the statistics on the number of people who make it out the other side when diagnosed with bowel cancer are not favourable.

I was one of the lucky ones that can now say that I know someone who has been triumphant in that fight. What’s better is that that person is very close to my heart.

When I was looking through the charities available to choose on the Dry July page and came across Bowel Cancer Australia, it was an easy choice.

There are many worthwhile charities that are doing amazing things, but Bowel Cancer Australia - in my opinion - sits right at the top of the list.” ~ Mladen.


If you were inspired by Mladen's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

"I took part in Dry July in honour of my dad Steve, who I lost to Stage 4 bowel cancer at the beginning of June 2022. Dad was diagnosed in May 2020 at the height of the pandemic, and while we thought treatment was extremely successful at first, the cancer had other ideas and it was a very tough two years for us both.

I loved to have a drink with my dad, whether it was over dinner or in celebration of something, and from our travels together he perfected a number of delicious cocktails which he would make for me at home. Knowing I'll never get to have another drink with my dad makes me incredibly sad.

Dad was so young when he passed away, and the impact his death has had on me is profound. So I want to do whatever I can to prevent another family from going through what we did." ~ Lauren.

0351 BCA May 2023 Supporters In Action Lauren Kavanagh 1520x320 Banner


If you were inspired by Lauren's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

 “I decided to take part in Dry July to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia in support of my friend Keely. Keely and I connected through our mutual love for wine, and I have been in awe of her strength ever since. Keels was diagnosed with Stage IV bowel cancer at the young age of 32.

She experienced symptoms of unexplained sudden weight loss and a sore shoulder.

Over the past four years Keels has undergone many surgeries, 62 rounds of chemotherapy, immunotherapy and five days of radiation.

She is an absolute fighter and is always so positive even on her darkest days. Keels in an inspiration to me, my Dry July team and everyone who knows her.

We couldn’t think of a better reason not to drink through July. We hope Keely’s story brings awareness to others that bowel cancer affects young people too.” ~ Elissa.

0351 BCA May 2023 Supporters In Action Elissa Lancaster 1520x320 Banner


If you were inspired by Elissa's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

"This is myself and my lovely husband Marc. Marc was a healthy fit 46-year-old. He ran marathons, never smoked, didn't eat fast food, never needed the doctors and didn't take any medications. The last person you'd expect to get sick.

So, when in 2020 he started having abdominal pain, feeling tired, and not eating as well. I started getting worried. After a few months he eventually went to the GP, who examined him and straight away sent him off for a colonoscopy. The surgeon then told us Marc had a tumour and it was cancerous.

After being referred to our Cancer Centre and Marc having surgery to remove the tumor, we were then told it was Stage 4. The cancer had spread to his liver. Up to this point we didn't know anyone who had cancer - no family members, no friends. We had four boys, and all our family were back in the UK. Luckily, we had fabulous friends around us. Marc is still here, even though the cancer has grown.

I decided to do something to try and help in my own very small way. That's why I did a birthday donation on Facebook and asked my friends to help out.

We need to find out why seemingly healthy people are getting bowel cancer and why younger people are too." ~ Michele & Marc.

If you were inspired by Michele's fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a Facebook Fundraiser in celebration of your birthday further details are available here 

“I was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer a month after my 34th birthday.  Due to my age and the fact that I looked healthy it took several visits to my GP, gastroenterologist and emergency departments before I was eventually diagnosed. After a CT scan showed my bowel was completely blocked and I needed an emergency right hemicolectomy.

The tumour had extended outside my bowel and was found in some lymph nodes in my peritoneum, hence Stage 4 diagnosis. I had 12 rounds of FOLFURI chemo followed by a peritonectomy with HIPEC and then 12 months of Zeloda tablet chemo. 

Whilst I was going through the chemo treatments and surgery recovery, I spent my time watching sailing Youtube channels.

My husband and I decided that as soon as the doctor said I could, we would buy a boat and start sailing around Australia and maybe abroad.  It’s now been 5 years since my diagnosis and three and a half years since we moved onto our boat.

We were so pleased to be able to raise more than $4,000 for Bowel Cancer Australia through our Dry July team - ‘Pirates Without Rum’. ~ Peta.

If you were inspired by Peta's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“The reason why I am so passionate about bowel cancer is due to my dad being diagnosed with bowel cancer at age 50.

My dad was bulletproof and rarely went to the doctors, hardly even got a cold. Dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer following a colonoscopy detection. It shook the whole family. He underwent surgery to have it removed and then underwent chemotherapy for several months.

Following dad’s initial diagnosis, I shared my own concerns with my doctor about a couple of blood episodes in the toilet which he put down to haemorrhoids. I was told I'm too young to have a colonoscopy, not necessary (age 27).

My doctor said you would not need to have a colonoscopy until at least the age of 40, ten years before my dad’s diagnosis, because that’s what the doctors are told by the analytics and studies. I completed a poo test kit (the ones you get in the mail) off my own back, came back negative. I forced my doctor to send me for a colonoscopy because I saw what dad was going through and I wanted to be sure.

To my shock and my doctors, I had a 5mm polyp and a 25mm polyp removed during the colonoscopy. A biopsy further discovered high-grade cells at the base of the 25mm polyp.

My specialist who I met after the colonoscopy said that the polyp could have very well been cancerous in two years. My specialist asked me, ‘What made you come here?’, I said ‘My gut instinct’. I went back 3 months later to have a follow up colonoscopy (all clear).

I now routinely have colonoscopy appointments every 2-3 years because the doctors don’t want to take any chances and neither do I.

For the record, my Dad kicked cancers arse and just recently celebrated his 60 birthday! Thanks for reading my story, I hope this helps raise further awareness to get checked.” ~ Rick.

If you were inspired by Rick's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“I decided to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia through the Canberra Times Fun Run after my mum, Fiona, was diagnosed with Stage IV Bowel Cancer in August 2021.

From the moment mum was diagnosed, our lives completely changed, and mum was thrown into extremely intensive treatment after two major surgeries. She endured all of this with the most bravery and grace you could possibly imagine.

As time went on, she understandably faced greater challenges with her treatment, and I could tell she needed a boost and something to lift her spirits. Which is when I decided to train a couch to 5km and raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia through the Fun Run.

Mum got so much joy out of us setting our fundraising goal and seeing the support we got from friends and family. I chose Bowel Cancer Australia specifically after finding their amazing resources and reading about all the incredible work they do to raise awareness of bowel cancer, fund research and seek to improve the quality of life of those impacted by this horrible disease.

Bowel Cancer Australia also supported me as I tried to help manage mum’s care and help her through her treatment - both through their amazing Bowel Care Nurses and Nutritionists, so I was grateful to also be able to give back to an organisation who helped me so much. The actual day of the race was such a beautiful day, and it was so special to be able to have mum there cheering me on.

Sadly, mum lost her battle a month later in December 2022 but I am so grateful we got to do this together and that it brought her so much joy.” ~ Lauren.

If you were inspired by Lauren's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“In November 2014, at just the age of 39yrs young, our Mum (Karen) was admitted to immediate emergency surgery to remove a mass growth which was close to rupturing on her bowel. At the time, mum had been pushing for answers for over 2 years, then this particular weekend visited our local ED 3 times, only to be sent away as ‘severely constipated’ due to her ‘young age’.

Following mum’s surgery, she underwent six months of on and off chemotherapy to minimise any remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of them returning. After 22months of remission (‘cancer-free’), mum’s cancer had returned to other areas of her body (secondary bowel cancer). Over 7 years, mum underwent a total of 123 chemotherapy treatments, 4 radiation treatments and wore a pump majority of her days even when she wasn’t at Oncology so she could still have chemo going through her.

All whilst working full time still, playing netball still at one point, and holding down a home for her husband and four beautiful children. Mum underwent every type of chemo drug compatible with her cancer, including trials and new releases.

Unfortunately, in August 2021 (after meeting her first grandson and learning she had a granddaughter on the way) the cancer had taken over mum’s body and mum was given a prognosis of three months left. In November 2021, after 7 long years of fighting and battling, mum decided it was time to rest, surrounded by family.

My siblings and I created a Facebook Page; ‘The Lawrence Kids Supporting Bowel Cancer Awareness Month’ to raise awareness and funds and connect with a greater audience. Not only do we hold an annual bake sale (first one started in 2019) at our local netball courts each year, but we also use the page to raise awareness and share facts regarding all thing’s bowel cancer. In the past (2020) I have also dyed my (very very long) blonde hair to green as a motif for people to donate (green being one of Bowel Cancer Australia’s colours).

Our 2022 fundraiser reached $10,000! We have also just received the Young Volunteers of the Year Award at the 2023 Australia Day Awards in our local Kempsey Shire.” ~ Brooklyn and ‘The Lawrence Kids’.

0351 BCA May 2023 Supporters In Action Brooklyn Lawrence 1520x320 Banner

If you were inspired by The Lawrence Kids amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“I was diagnosed on the 14th of June 2022. I had noticed a change in bowel habits and frequency for about 8 weeks prior to initially seeing a GP. The week of the 30th of May 2022 I was not making it to the toilet on time (at least three times a day I would have accidents) and I was in excruciating pain in my lower back and rectum, and I stopped eating and drinking.

I wasn’t able to get an appointment with my regular GP but managed to get an appointment with a GP at the same medical centre. This was on the 2nd of June. The GP I saw made me feel like she didn’t believe me and reluctantly ordered a blood test and asked me to return a stool sample - she told me to go home and drink hydrolyte and take gastro stop and that it was probably just a parasite.

My regular GP was notified when the results for my tests came back and called to advise there was blood found in my stool and that she had booked me an urgent appointment with a Gastroenterologist on Tuesday the 7th June.

He was concerned about the amount of pain I was in and ordered a CT and booked me in for a colonoscopy and endoscopy on the 21st of June. I had my CT scan on the 7th and was told on the 9th that a malignant mass was found in my rectum. My colonoscopy and endoscopy was brought forward to the 14th of June and this confirmed rectal adenocarcinoma. We have no family history of bowel cancer, I am not a smoker, I have always had a healthy and balanced diet and I was going to the gym six days per week up until my diagnosis.

Since my diagnosis (less than a month ago) I have had fertility treatment, egg collection and a de-functioning ileostomy. I started five weeks of radiation and chemo tabs yesterday and then I will have four months of IV chemo. I am so lucky as it hasn’t spread. If I didn’t have the symptoms I did it would be a very different story.

I am strong, I will beat this, and I am so grateful to have the support networks and information from wonderful organisations such as Bowel Cancer Australia - it is so important that we continue to raise awareness and funds to help people like me.” ~ Sophie.

If you were inspired by Sophie's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

"I lost my husband at a young age to bowel cancer, after finding out it ran in his family and life has been a huge struggle ever since.

Ian was diagnosed with advanced Stage D cancer at age 32. He was officially diagnosed in Feb of 2018 (when our daughter was 18 months old), after over 18 months of debilitating pain, seeing doctors and specialists who all kept dismissing him telling him nothing was wrong with him, including his regular GP, who knew him better than the rest, as he’d been going to this GP all his life.

I’m supporting Bowel Cancer Australia, as no-one should have to suffer cancer, or lose their loved ones to it." ~ Naomi⁠⠀⁠

If you were inspired by Naomi's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a Facebook Fundraiser further details are available here


“I am a gastroenterologist with special interest in therapeutic endoscopy.  In this line of work, I regularly diagnose and treat patients with bowel cancer, but I am passionate about doing my part in preventing this disease. I can't stress enough to my patients to participate in screening programs and have timely colonoscopy, but most of all I love being able to remove precancerous lesions endoscopically, potentially saving patients from having to have invasive surgery.

Out of the work setting, I try to raise community awareness through my efforts with the Dry July Campaign. I will be back this year!” ~ Dr Saurabh Gupta.

If you were inspired by Saurabh's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

"We all know someone who has been affected by cancer - when Matt was unexpectedly diagnosed with bowel cancer it was the shock of a lifetime. He fought hard and came out the other side healthy, strong and grateful.

With the support of family, friends and colleagues, we participated in Dry July to raise much needed funds for the great people at Bowel Cancer Australia, who's work to date is no doubt a reason why I'm still here.

But there is still a lot more work to be done with the number diagnoses growing year on year, particularly in young people." Matt & Amanda.

If you were inspired by Matt and Amanda's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform 

“My partner Jason was a fit healthy 48-year-old. In the past 10 years he raced in endurance sports, ironman and ultra-trail marathons. He was the last person that anyone would ever think would lose his life to bowel cancer.

Life for our family was amazing but it was all ripped up in an instant when an ultrasound for a rib injury revealed a 2cm mass in his colon. He was still running park runs when it was found. His only other symptom was a slightly grumbly belly that he put down to a change in diet. He worked in the mines and fatigue was normal for him.

Jason loved life and adventure. From his diagnosis he never wanted to know time frames or prognosis. He didn’t want it to take away from living every day as fully as he could still. He remained hopeful and optimistic that he could beat his diagnosis right till the very end.

In his memory, his brother, a team and I completed two Ultra Marathons, both in the year he would have turned 50 which is also the current screening age. A 50km from the bush to Beach in Newcastle and then the 50km Ultra Trail Marathon in the Blue Mountains in September, fundraising close to $10,000 for Bowel Cancer Australia.

I also want to be a voice in fighting to change the perception that only those over 50 are diagnosed with bowel cancer. To fight for lowering the screening age. To improve the treatment options and support for younger families impacted by bowel cancer. Read Jason and Lucie’s full Bowel Cancer Story here.” ~ Lucie.

0336 BCA March 2023 Supporters in Action Lucie Smallwood 1520x320

If you were inspired by Lucie's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform