“On April 5th, we gathered at Peninsula Kingswood Country Golf Club for the 3rd annual Never2Young Charity Golf Day in memory of Glyn Trueman.

Glyn Trueman was a much-loved husband, dad, son, brother, friend, and member of Peninsula Kingswood. Glyn was diagnosed with bowel cancer at age twenty-seven and had an incredibly brave and courageous three-and-a-half-year journey through illness. Our collective effort honours Glyn's legacy and the importance of this cause.

Thanks to our incredible supporters, sponsors and prized donors we raised an outstanding $32,600 for Bowel Cancer Australia’s Never2Young program! Combined with 2022 and 2023, we have now raised over $90,000!” ~ The Trueman Family.
2024 Supporters In Action Never2Young Golf Day

If you were inspired by the Trueman Family's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.