“I’m just your ordinary retiree (ex-nurse/midwife) that believes more could have been done for Mum. She was a vibrant feisty woman who seldom gave up on anything.
Mum came from Cairns to visit us in Mandurah at the end of March last year, she was here for two days before being admitted with a gut obstruction. They removed 50+ cm of small bowel and tumour. Mum was too unwell for chemo or further treatment and died 23 August.
Mum had been going to her doctor for nearly 2 years with her symptoms without being investigated. We lost Mum to bowel cancer that had gone undetected and undiagnosed. She was 88.

I don’t want anyone else to suffer like she did.” ~ Gina.

If you were inspired by Gina's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through Dry July further details are available here.