On 16 May 2023, I finally went to see my GP about feeling incredibly crap, abdominal pain which I thought was uterus pain and probably a sign of menopause, severe fatigue, hair loss, generally feeling unwell and a few other symptoms.
My doctor was amazing, he immediately started testing for everything.
Unfortunately, all my tests showed there was nothing to worry about – everything looked good.
My doctor referred me for a colonoscopy and on 6 June 2023 the outcome was a diagnosis of stage III bowel cancer.
30 June was my surgery date. I stayed in hospital for seven days and went back in a week later for a few nights due to some complications.
I stared my chemo journey in July.
I finished chemo and had my follow-up oncology appointment in September.
To say I was scared of this review is an understatement; I don’t think I’ve ever been this scared in all my life.
My results were great – no signs of cancer.
It has been a journey and I’m so grateful for the love and support from my amazing husband Ben, my friend and especially my kids.
Thank you so much for showing up every time and being there.
I know it’s been a rough ride and at times just the absolute worst.
Thank you. 💛

8 September was my last chemo treatment and a very big day. I was emotionally wrecked but so relieved to finish treatment.
So, this is the day I chose to share my story and share me ringing the bell.
I want to reinforce how important it is that if you feel shit isn’t right, go to your GP with your concerns.
I have the best GP and I’m so grateful for this – he was amazing. If he hadn’t been, my outcome would have been very different.
If your GP minimises your worries/concerns or dismisses you, don’t accept their answer.
Your health and life matters.