I never thought two weeks ago I would be in the position, that I would be given 30 minutes to tell my two beautiful teenage girls that I had bowel cancer requiring emergency surgery! Three days before I was out celebrating being selected for a dream job over a glass of wine with friends! Surely this diagnosis could not be true!
The most difficult day of my girls’ life and mine, as my two girls were put in this horrid position. My first thoughts were that of anger - I was misdiagnosed with long COVID when I sought a medical opinion for extreme fatigue and change in bowel habits. Then I went into total panic - I’m a single mum, and my heart could not deal with the pain I knew my children were suffering or how this would affect my friends and my family!
I had my surgery and had an 11cm tumour removed as well as 65% of my bowel, I had some nodes removed and part of my spleen, to where it had also spread. Next step is chemo for six months (three days on a 14 day cycle) with a liver resection scheduled in August.
Yesterday I turned 50 and I was truly blown away by how special that day was for me. It was filled with raw, unconditional love, strength and resilience and a lot of laughter! I reflect on what an amazing year I have had and the people that I am surrounded by. Whom I am lucky enough to call my friends and family. The girls and I have so many plans and opportunities we wish to pursue over the next twelve months…and whilst they may be done a little differently, cancer is just there for a part of that ride ATM! I Thank you to everyone who has been there for my girls and I over this whirlwind of the last three weeks. If I can take a positive out of a negative - friends in the dozens are coming forward to complete bowel tests, follow up on delayed colonoscopies etc. Awareness is key as is early detection as we know!
My one piece of advice for others:
I never knew that the testing age was lowered to 45. I saw three doctors before I was finally diagnosed. You know your body - if something does not feel right and you are not happy with the response. Please seek a second opinion.